Album Shadows Of Flight

Eine Trilogie über den russischen Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine
Трилогія про російську загарбницьку війну проти України.

1. Shadows Of Flight

Ein Song über die wahre Geschichte eines jungen Paares, das seine Heimat in dem nun russisch besetzten Gebiet östlich des Flusses Dnepr verlassen muss. Ihre abenteuerliche Flucht in den Kriegswirren führt sie über die Krim, Moskau, das Baltikum und Polen bis nach Deutschland, wo das gemeinsame Kind zur Welt kommt.

Пісня про реальну історію молодої пари, яка змушена покинути свій дім на окупованій Росією території на схід від Дніпра. Їх авантюрна втеча в хаосі війни приводить їх через Крим, Москву, країни Балтії та Польщу до Німеччини, де народжується їхня дитина.

Songtext / Тексти пісень

In a small town on the east side of the river
They dreamed of a life where love could deliver
A young couple, hearts full of hope
But fate had a plan, a dark, twisted scope

War came knocking, a storm on their door
Russian armies marching, a thunderous roar
To escape the chaos, to break free
They left their homeland, destiny’s decree

Through Krim and Moscow, they forged ahead
Baltic winds whispered the tales of the dread
A journey of survival, a desperate flight
To keep love alive, in the dead of night

3000 miles escaping from the Russian strife
As one tyrant tries to rewrite their life
Through the pain and the tears, they held on tight
In the shadows of war, they found their light

To the Krim peninsula, seeking a little break
A visit to grandma, who believed in that fake
She stood by the tyrant like her TV has shown
As Russian bombs shattered dreams of their peaceful home

In the warmth of her belly, a secret they keep
A new life arising to make the family complete
The journey, a testament, their love profound
In foreign lands, a new family was bound

3000 miles escaping from the Russian strife
As one tyrant tries to rewrite their life
Through the pain and the tears, they held on tight
In the shadows of war, they found their light

3000 miles escaping from the Russian strife
As one tyrant tries to rewrite their life
Through the pain and the tears, they held on tight
In the shadows of war, they found their light

2. Got Your Wires Crossed

Der Moment, in dem du erkennst, dass dein Bruder nie mehr nach Hause kommt weil er für sein Land und die Freiheit aller Ukrainer gekämpft hat.

Момент, коли ти розумієш, що твій брат більше ніколи не повернеться додому, тому що він боровся за свою країну і свободу всіх українців.

Songtext / Тексти пісень

Your message burns inside my head
I can’t believe what you have said
You say my brother won’t come home
I’m staring at the answer phone

I don’t want to hear bad news anymore
We live on a broken earth
Information’s clear – hits me in the core
I believe that we are cursed

One by one – I spend a single day
Has returned – At the waterfront
And you can’t – High above the clouds
Close your eyes – Wind tears at my hair
To the fact – Blows away the Blues
That you will – Freedom in my mind
Try again – Sand between my toes
To come home

I’ve been wond‘ring all night long
Why your words did sound so wrong
In the end I understood
He wouldn’t stop until it’s good

I can hear a baby cryin’
Might be hungry, sick or tired
I don’t want to hear the bad news
Livin’ on a broken earth

I must perceive and dedicate
Don’t try to understand my fate
I hope I’ll overcome my hate
To judge before it is too late

One by one – I spend a single day
Has returned – At the waterfront
And you can’t – High above the clouds
Close your eyes – Wind tears at my hair
To the fact – Blows away the Blues
That you will – Freedom in my mind
Try again – Sand between my toes
To come home

3. Back In Life

Der sehnliche Wunsch einfach mal wieder das Leben zu genießen und wieder Dinge zu tun wie vor dem russischen Angriffskrieg.

Бажання знову просто насолоджуватися життям і робити те, що було до російської загарбницької війни.

Songtext / Тексти пісень

Maybe I’m blind so I can’t see what’s going on
Maybe my heart can’t tell what’s right and what is wrong
So many obstacles and nightmares on the run
So many things I’ve left undone

I wanna be back in life
I wanna be the one that I am
Just wanna be back in life
Laughin’ and lovin’ again

I wanna be back in life
I wanna be the one that I am
Just wanna be back in life
Laughin’ and lovin’ again

I had so many dreams and let them slip away
Afraid to fail I kept on following the safest way
So many chances passed, I never made them true
Now I know what I should do

I wanna be back in life
I wanna be the one that I am
Just wanna be back in life
Laughin’ and lovin’ again

I wanna be back in life
I wanna be the one that I am
Just wanna be back in life
Laughin’ and lovin’ again

Maybe I’m blind so I can’t see what’s going on
Maybe my heart can’t tell what’s right and what is wrong
So many obstacles and nightmares on the run
And so many things I’ve left undone

I wanna be back in life
I wanna be the one that I am
Just wanna be back in life
Laughin’ and lovin’ again

I wanna be back in life
I wanna be the one that I am
Just wanna be back in life
Laughin’ and lovin’ again

I wanna be back in life
I wanna be the one that I am
Just wanna be back in life
Laughin’ and lovin’ again

I wanna be back in life